Fall is the time to give your garden plants and trees some affectionate care to help them withstand the cold of winter.


Cooler nights and warmer days mean the soil has enough moisture and warmth for planting and transplanting.

Plant seedlings of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, winter lettuce, parsley, chives and rosemary in the food garden. If you don’t plan to use a vegetable garden, try sowing blue lupine seeds or mustard seeds. Great for improving soil structure and adding nutrients to the soil naturally. Fall is also a good season for planting fruit trees. It grows quickly with good drainage and good sunlight.

Lawn care

I have been taking good care of my lawn by mowing it regularly during the summer. Autumn is the time to scrape well and poke with a fork to aerate. This reduces compression and eliminates warm casts. Fertilize your lawn so it absorbs the nutrients it needs to survive the colder months.

Protect the most vulnerable plants and trees

As fall progresses, cover tender plants and young trees with wool. Better to do it before winter. Smaller plants can be moved to a greenhouse and the greenhouse itself should be cleaned to maximize incoming light. Late fall is also a good time to mulch around tree roots to protect them from winter frost.

Trim your hedges

Fall is a great time to trim your hedges to prevent them from rotting. Remember to reduce enough. Cutting too far can leave holes in your hedge, and growth is minimal during the colder months, so it may look bare all winter.

If you want to maintain your home’s street appeal, consider calling in a hedge trimmer. Contact our experienced arborist team today to schedule a hedge trimming service and get help preparing for the winter.


Planted a storm in your kitchen garden, but now it’s not worth it? Fall is the time to remove dead plants and clean up debris and weeds. Gather fall leaves and trim the edges of lawns and garden flower beds. Leaves left on the ground can become damp and suffocate, damaging fallen grass or plants.

Pruning Trees

There are many reasons for pruning trees. This will help improve the health and appearance of your tree and remove dead or dying branches. It can even promote crop growth in fruit trees. Tree pruning requires special equipment, especially for tall trees. Contact our team of qualified arborists who are trained and equipped to do the job safely.


As a natural fertilizer, it is good for your garden, trees and plants. It’s also far more cost-effective to make your own compost than to buy it. Composting is also a great way to make good use of fallen leaves and trimmed plants.

As summer draws to a close, early fall is also a great time to store outdoor furniture and clean garden tools. Come winter, gardeners can take a relaxing break from gardening. But be careful. It will soon be time to start over.

Tree Soldiers – All tree cutting and other services. Experts in tree removal, stump demolition, stump removal, tree trimming, tree mulching, tree pruning and emergency tree removal in New York!

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