If you’ve already started or are still planning your spring gardening, read our checklist of tasks and tips.

Take a look at your backyard

Spring gardening should begin by assessing the damage caused by the cold and often stormy winter weather. While inspecting your vegetable garden, flower beds and landscaping, remember to pay special attention to trees that are equally tolerant of weather damage. Some trees particularly very old and very young may be left in a dangerously damaged state. If in doubt about the health of your tree, contact a professional arborist for guidance.

Pay attention to landscaping first

If you are gardening in the spring, the first thing you should focus on is landscaping, especially fixing retaining walls and hedges. Then move on to more gentle landscaping like gutters, pathways, and flower beds.

Clean and sharpen your gardening tools

Pro gardening tips – check before planting and cleaning your gardening tools in earnest. Clean with hot water and oil the trimmer. Dirty and rusty tools are difficult to work with and can even damage your plants.

Create a composting area

If you haven’t created one yet. When cleaning your backyard, your waste makes a great base for composting.

Start by pruning trees and trimming hedges

Trim and shape overgrown trees and hedges to restore their shape. If the tree or hedge is too large, entrust this task to a professional arborist with the appropriate equipment and experience. This may also be an appropriate time to remove unsightly tree stumps in your backyard. It is easier to remove if left to soften in damp weather.

Clean your flower beds and vegetable garden

At the top of our guide’s list of spring gardening tips is the importance of cleaning before planting anything. Remove nutrient-eating debris and unwanted weeds from the soil. They also hurt your eyes.

Prepare the soil

Add compost, well-seasoned manure, or slow-release nutrients for new plants, vegetables, and trees. It is also convenient to prepare pots with fresh pots before starting sowing.

Start Planting

Start by planning what and where to plant. Every plant or tree has certain requirements in order to bear full fruit or blossom. Some need shade, others a sunny or well-drained spot. Ask your local gardener or garden store for advice on what is best for your area. If you’re doing large-scale landscaping work, such as planting trees, it’s a good idea to get professional help. Without proper thinking and guidance, trees can grow dangerously near power lines or private property and cause long-term damage.

After sowing

cover to slow down the growth of weeds and prevent moisture evaporation and loss of nutrients from the soil when sunlight is strong. Clean and refurbish your outdoor furniture to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

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